Thursday, December 30, 2010

To Start With . . .

I don't know if I'm all that fat, it just feels like it today because I haven't worked out in over a week and it's the Christmas holidays, so . . .

As for the playwright part of it - I'm not really one of those, either. I mean, I've written some plays, but none of them have been produced yet. And writing and rewriting is so damn hard that I spend a lot of my time wishing I would do a whole lot more than I actually do (read: I check out facebook and the New York Times Theater page every five minutes just to see if anything new has happened yet). Because the likelihood of my work not amounting to anything is so BIG, that sometimes I figure, "why bother?" And yet I have to be a part of the bigger picture.

For those of you in any of these predicaments: you feel fat today, you love writing but your overwhelming fear of failure is debilitating, or you are a horrific procrastinator - welcome. Let's be friends.

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