Friday, April 22, 2011

On Writing and Sticking it to the Man (or woman, as the case may be)

It's no secret that I feel incredibly fraudulent to be writing about playwriting when I have not yet had any of my work produced. But there is one incredibly liberating aspect to writing, whether you're a Pulitzer (or GG) award winner, or remain in the closet 'til the day you die: the world is full of people who are not on your side. Who, for whatever reason will randomly treat you like dirt and make you feel small. Maybe you have one such person in your life, maybe you have several. But, what's great about writing is, that not one of them can take that perfect turn of phrase, that sublime moment, or that exquisite character away from you. I suppose it's revenge, really. When someone hurts you, just get back at them by writing the best poem, novel, play, scene, whatever of your life. Perhaps no one will ever read it, or ever have the chance to appreciate it, but it's yours and it's great and no one, not even that shortsighted person who doesn't play well with others, can take that away with you.

Yes, I had a few bad experiences this week with some people. Okay, a person. I'm still not over it, but that's what's great about writing. I get to call the shots. That's pretty great in a world where I don't even control when I eat or go to the bathroom. Write on, my friends. Write on.

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