Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I have a way of doing things. When I write plays, what tends to happen is that I start by writing 60 pages. I try to limit the amount of characters somewhat, I have an idea of where it begins and where it ends, but beyond that I don't edit, I try as much as possible to let things go where they may and not question.

I let that sit for awhile, and then I pick it up again, recoil in horror at what's there, and then sift through to see what I can work with. 90 or so pages later, I do it again, this time more fussy about detail and structure. After about the third draft, I feel confident enough to approach a group of people who will sit in a room with me and read the play aloud. That usually tells me what's working and what isn't. More drafts, a public reading, more drafts yet and maybe send it away to a contest.

That's all I got so far. A week or so ago, I finished the 60 pager for Tooth Sized Hole. I think there might be some decent material in there, after all. I'm in the process of preparing for another rewrite of The Mimic's Riddle. It's hard because I know what needs to be done, I'm just not sure how t go about it. I want to have this next draft done by August 13, to send to the Yale Drama Series Competition. I let you know how it goes.

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