Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I was re-reading some of my earlier posts and realized that I have a few "I'll tell you how that goes" statements, and then I didn't follow through on letting you know how those things went.

Let's start with The Mimic's Riddle. About a year ago, I entered it in the 2011 Yale Drama Series Competition. There's nothing to report. It didn't go anywhere. Didn't hear back from the development programs either.

My overseas trip was totally awesome. Unfortunately, toward the end, the bunch of us got sick and the last few days were spent coughing and gasping. It was really terrific to spend significant amounts of time with friends and family. Favourite things that I had never seen before: The Musee D'Orsay and Newgrange were at the top of my list. I am a gallery/museum junkie and I went to as many as I could wherever I could. There are never too many art galleries! Oh, and I got to visit the Royal Court Theatre in London. That was super cool.

We had a big McSheaffrey hoolie one night in Edinburgh. Got as much of the family together as we could - as far as my trip was concerned, it was a highlight for me.

So, that was that trip. Also went to Florida and did the Disney World thing. Ghastly.

Rounded things off with a Stage Combat intensive in Vancouver at the end of June/beginning of July. Totally life-changing.

The clock is ticking on this sabbatical thing and, though it has been an incredible year (I encourage everyone to just take a year where you don't have to work - it really changes how you look at life), I have accomplished very little writing. I have, in the times where I haven't had activity directly in front of me, spent a lot of time reflecting and thinking. I know! Who does that? How is that productive? But, you see, that's the point. No to do, but to be.

I'm on page 36 of The School Play. It' But again, there's a story in there somewhere - schools are breeding grounds for drama.

Take care and I'll talk to you soon.

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