Monday, October 22, 2012

What You Do

Have you ever met someone, and got to know them a little bit and been so impressed with the fact that they are doing (job wise) exactly what it is they're supposed to be doing?

I'll give you an example. I know a lighting designer/professor at one of the universities I used to attend. She is a brilliant (pun!) lighting designer and also a fabulous teacher. She is interested in student learning, and makes it her business to make students better (and feel better about their work) when they leave her class.

I've also met people -talented, smart people - who have just never seemed to land where they were meant to. A case in point is an old friend of my husband's. He didn't graduate high school, took a number of jobs, made a lot of money, lost it all, is divorced, has had trouble with the law and from what I can tell, has no place to go. And yet, you should listen to him speak! Gorgeous speaking voice. He has a gregarious personality and relates really well with people. He could easily be some kind of radio talk show host, or even television host for that matter. When we spent a little bit of time with him this summer, I couldn't help but think, "If only he had a good drama teacher, who could have encouraged him . . . "

I've never ever really wanted to be anything but a high school drama teacher. I have a distinct memory as a teenager of thinking to myself, "I just love drama class. I want to be in drama class all day." Which led me, quite naturally, to go down that road. I've been in and out of the drama classroom - I had kids, I taught strictly academic courses for a year and, of course took time off with my recent sabbatical. I often wonder if it's what I'm supposed to be doing. Does everyone wonder that about themselves?

I went to Kidprovisers at the Edmonton Fringe this past summer. Basically, the adult professionals carried the young folks through all of the scenes, but I was so happy to see young kids doing drama and being apprenticed in the craft. I think that was a telling moment: "Kids doing drama. What could be better?"

I love writing, of course. I have precious little time to do any these days, but I hope to do more soon. I hope to have more to say about that next time.


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