Sunday, August 12, 2012

Back to School Prep

So, because I've had thirteen months of easy living, it is most certainly time to get my head around going back to work in September. A facebook friend of mine (a drama teacher in Missoula) posted that she had justhad her first back to school dream (nightmare). I had my own (in response to hers, I think) the following night. Here's my comment to her post:

"I had my first one last night. Usually, there's a bunch of kids running amok and they have no interest in anything I'm saying (which usually doesn't actually happen until the 3rd week or so). This time, I helped a couple of egocentric boys work out their differences and then I stopped everything to address the fact that my hair had turned grey overnight. I said, "I know you must be all wondering about my hair - it just happened suddenly, but you should know that I'm fine with it. I love grey hair . . ." and then Tina Fey, who was sitting in the front row said, "I do too!" and then we talked about how more women should just let their hair go grey. There was a studious looking girl in the back with her hand up, but I ignored her because I was afraid that she would ask if we could move on so the class could actually learn something. I wanted to keep talking to Tina Fey about my hair."

And so it begins. The phrase "Lazy time is over" has been echoing in my brain. I have indeed been very very lazy, particularly this last month. "Lazy time is over" reminded me of a favourite clip of mine from That 70s Show:

The clip has nothing to do with my topic for today. Just a window into things I think are funny.

Cheers to you.

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