Sunday, March 20, 2011

How it is.

I have both good news and bad news. The bad news first: I've started SCAPEDOG, and it totally sucks. I don't mean that in a false-humble kind of way, it really does. I'm going to keep going on it (I'm on page 6, after all) because even after working really hard on it (which I have yet to do), there is a chance that when this first draft is complete, there may be one scene or one character, heck, even one moment that will be worth throwing all the rest away and rebuilding on. And maybe, after 10 drafts or so, there could be something halfway stageable in this little story.

Good News: My husband, Dalton, and I confirmed that we will be co-directing NOISES OFF! for the Key City Theatre (one of the local theatre venues here in Cranbrook). I'm really excited, I mean it's pretty much the funniest play ever written. The big ego part of me wants to just shove Dalton out of the way and do it myself but I think working with him on a team will be the best ever. So, if you're in Cranbrook near the end of January next year, come check it out,

it's going to be awesome. And, if you want to act in it, watch for auditions, we'll be hosting them in June.

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